
  • Lovely Classic Spring Bouquet
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    Lovely Classic Spring Bouquet


    Slightly larger that our standard size bouquet, this one will feature more (or more luxurious) blooms, handcrafted into a beautiful display by the local florist. Inspired by vibrant spring colours, it'll feature shades like tangerine, cerise, chartreuse and ochre.

  • Lovely Classic Spring...
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    Lovely Classic Spring...


    If they're not a lily fan, this is the one for them. Slightly larger that our standard size bouquet, it'll feature more (or more luxurious) blooms (and ZERO lilies), handcrafted into a beautiful display by the local florist. Inspired by the vibrancy of spring, it'll feature rich colours like cerise, marmalade, chartreuse and ochre.

  • Lovely Trending Spring Bouquet
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    Lovely Trending Spring Bouquet


    Slightly larger that our standard size bouquet, this one will feature more (or more luxurious) blooms, handcrafted into a beautiful display by the local florist. Inspired by the spring dawn it'll feature peach, dusky pink, lemon and cream tones plus dried flowers and foliage.

  • Lovely Trending Spring...
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    Lovely Trending Spring...


    If they're not a lily fan, this is the one for them. Slightly larger that our standard size bouquet, it'll feature more (or more luxurious) blooms (and ZERO lilies), handcrafted into a beautiful display by the local florist. Inspired by the spring dawn it'll feature peach, dusky pink, lemon and cream tones plus dried flowers and foliage.

  • Luxury Brights Hand Tied
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    Luxury Brights Hand Tied


    Say hello to love in full, glorious colour! This gorgeous bouquet will brighten their day. Crafted by hand by a local florist, your bouquet won't look exactly like this one, but it'll be just as lovely – bursting with beautiful shades and blooms.

  • Luxury Christmas Candle...
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    Luxury Christmas Candle...


    Our beautiful candle arrangement, this one will bring all sorts of joy to the Christmas day table. Exquisitely handcrafted by one of our florists, they'll use the freshest blooms they have in shades of plum and burgundy, red and green, with highlights of soft pink and copper.

    It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

  • Luxury Classic Spring Bouquet
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    Luxury Classic Spring Bouquet


    One of our biggest spring bouquets, this one is a handcrafted marvel. It features the freshest blooms inspired by vibrant spring colours, all exquisitely arranged by their local florist. Expect shades of tangerine, cerise, chartreuse and ochre.

  • Luxury Rainbow Mix...
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    Luxury Rainbow Mix...


    Say hello to love in full, glorious colour! This gorgeous bouquet will definitely brighten their Valentine's Day with blooms in all sorts of shades, from deep burgundy to buttery yellow. One for the fan of the less traditional.

  • Luxury Rose & Lily Bouquet
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    Luxury Rose & Lily Bouquet


    A profusion of the finest red roses, striking pink oriental lilies and other romantic blooms in soft pink, cerise and burgundy shades. A stunning modern twist on the classic Valentine's bouquet.

  • Luxury Trending Spring Bouquet
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    Luxury Trending Spring Bouquet


    One of our biggest spring bouquets, this one is a handcrafted marvel. It features the freshest blooms inspired by a soft spring dawn, all exquisitely arranged by their local florist. Expect shades of peach, dusky pink, lemon and cream plus dried flowers and foliage.

  • Luxury Valentine's Mixed...
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    Luxury Valentine's Mixed...


    Ready to wow them? This should do the trick. Bursting with the freshest, finest, most romantic blooms this handcrafted bouquet is a real dazzler. Expect flowers in classic Valentine's colours including cerise, burgundy and soft pink.

  • Neutral Romantic Bouquet...
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    Neutral Romantic Bouquet...


    Featuring gorgeous white roses this romantic bouquet is as elegant as love gets. Your florist will use sumptuous blooms in shades of white and cream for a truly chic design.

    It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

  • Neutrals hand-tied bouquet...
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    Neutrals hand-tied bouquet...


    Gorgeous fresh flowers arranged by your expert florist. Whilst your gift may look slighly different to the picture it will be just as beautiful. Made with fresh seasonal flowers.

  • Pink Flower Bouquet
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    Pink Flower Bouquet


    Three types of flowers, including roses, in blushing pink tones. Cute and chic.

    This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range. New for 2023, it's a collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty.

    It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

  • Pink Rose and Lily Bouquet
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    Pink Rose and Lily Bouquet


    Think pink! A dreamy mix of pink roses and lilies. Incredibly charming.

    This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range. New for 2023, it's a collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty.

    It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

  • Pretty Pink Rose and Lily...
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    Pretty Pink Rose and Lily...


    An abundance of pretty pink hues, this gorgeous bouquet features roses and lilies with complementary seasonal blooms exquisitely arranged and hand tied by a florist.

  • Rainbow Mix Valentine's...
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    Rainbow Mix Valentine's...


    Looking for a less traditional Valentine's bouquet? This colourful marvel should do the trick. It'll feature blooms in all sorts of shades, from deep burgundy to buttery yellow. Gorgeous.

  • Special With Love Gift Box
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    Special With Love Gift Box


    A stunning gift box bursting with a profusion of romantic flowers. Soft pinks, rich reds – get ready to catch your special someone, because they're going to swoon.

Aberdeen Flowers Delivering in Aberdeenshire 

Aberdeen Flowers deliver Flowers in the North East of Scotland 6 days a week. We are able to deliver to a large area of Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. Our team of florists and drivers can ensure you receive your flowers fresh the Same Day if ordered before 1pm. We are able to deliver to the majority of the North East of Scotland. 

We are able to deliver stunning flowers within a huge radius of Aberdeen personally, if for some reason the location is too far away for us to deliver the Same Day we will arrange for next day delivery if it is suitable with yoursellves. We have been delivering in the North East of Scotland for over 40 years and love supplying Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire with only the freshest flowers available.